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Get the body you’ve always wanted with EmSculpt Neo!

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New Body-Sculpting Technology

Emsculpt Neo is the newest generation of body-sculpting technology, and it can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted without surgery, medications, or diet restrictions.

With Emsculpt Neo, we target and burn your subcutaneous fat while simultaneously building muscle with non-invasive RF and HIFEM energies. This treatment is safe for all ages and ideal for those who want to tighten their skin after pregnancy or weight loss.

The best part? No pain! Many people describe the sensation as feeling like a warm massage or light pinprick sensation. There is no downtime required! So what are you waiting for? Schedule an appointment at sculp’d+ today and get started on your path to a slimmer and stronger body!

What is Emsculpt NEO?

You may have heard of the latest non-surgical body contouring procedure: Emsculpt Neo. This treatment is intended to help you achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of, without surgery or stress. Emsculpt neo can be used on patients of all ages and backgrounds, including men and women. The procedure involves using a specialized tool to break down fat cells in targeted areas of your body where you want to lose weight and tighten up your skin. 

Many patients reported feeling more toned, tighter, and more muscular after receiving Emsculpt Neo treatments than before—and they said they felt more confident too! They also reported feeling less tired throughout the day and having more energy when exercising or playing sports because their bodies were less sore afterward. 

Patients also noted that they felt more confident and energetic as a result of their treatments.

  • One patient said, “I feel like I have more energy now. It’s nice to know that if I don’t want to work out, I don’t have to!”

  • Another patient reported feeling noticeably tighter after receiving Emsculpt Neo treatments: “My clothes fit better, and my husband says he likes the new me! My waistline is smaller than before, so the results are visible in even my most flattering outfits. And it helps me stay motivated to continue with my exercise routine—I know how great it feels when my body looks its best!”

Burn Fat and Build Muscle

Emsculpt Neo combines two powerful technologies to burn fat and build muscle in your target areas.

Sculpt Your Strength

HIFEM+ energies contract your muscle fibers at levels that are impossible to reach during voluntary workouts. This intensity extremely stresses the muscles, forcing them to adapt and generate more muscle fibers.

In conjunction with HIFEM+ energies, radiofrequency (RF) is present to heat up muscles. RF heating increases muscle temperature, preparing the muscles for the intensity of the HIFEM+ energies. After four minutes, subcutaneous fat reaches a temperature that results in apoptosis– the state at which fat cells are permanently and are removed from the body.

Combining these two techniques allows you to achieve results faster than if you were using either one alone. The best part? They’re all-natural methods that use your body’s resources instead of invasive procedures like surgery or injections—and they’re FDA cleared!

Ignite Your Metabolism

HIFEM technology builds muscle while RF heats up muscle temperature.

Emsculpt Neo works by combining HIFEM and RF technologies to help you get the body you’ve always wanted. HIFEM is a non-invasive treatment that generates muscle contractions, building muscle. Radiofrequency heating is a non-invasive treatment that heats the muscle temperature and damages fat cells beyond restoration, resulting in more toned, sculpted figures for men and women alike.

This innovative technology allows patients of any age or fitness level to experience results even faster than traditional workouts alone – with no surgery necessary!

Patients reported that they felt more toned, tighter, and stronger after receiving Emsculpt Neo treatments than they did before.

If you are looking to get your dream body fast with minimal effort, the latest non-surgical body contouring could be right for you.

Emsculpt Neo is an easy, safe, and effective way to get fit and toned in a matter of weeks. The treatment uses radiofrequency energy to heat fat and muscle cells beneath the skin and HIFEM to contract muscle fibers. This process results in a visible reduction of problem areas such as love handles, muffin tops, and saddlebags around the thighs or buttocks. 

Schedule a complimentary Emsculpt Neo consultation at sculp’d+ today!

Get the Strong, Toned Body You’ve Always Wanted
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